-secondary research: queer characters from before the 2000s-

The Simpsons A main background character in the Simpsons, Waylon Smithers, was confirmed to be a gay man in episode 17 ‘The Burns Cage’ where he comes out to Mr Burns, his boss. The Ambiguously Gay Duo A program that aired on Saturday Night Live in 1996, when i first saw it i hoped itContinue reading “-secondary research: queer characters from before the 2000s-“

-final cover and page design-

first, I did all my images and text layout. I started off with just a simple plain black background, as originally that’s what I planned on doing. I next added my rainbow splatter background and made the black background more of a box-like frame. This was initially, after my experimentation, was what I was planningContinue reading “-final cover and page design-“

-experimentation in cover designs-

for my cover and general page designs, I wanted something eyecatching yet still somewhat minimalist. I didn’t just want “wow rainbows everywhere”, just something incorporated into the background, as I feel it would be most visually effective. I had two concept ideas and I have decided that a splat type effect on the pages andContinue reading “-experimentation in cover designs-“

-primary research; magazines-

the first magazine here follows a black, white, and gold minimalistic style throughout. the pages are well organized and tidy with none of the usual cliche chaotic sporadic style of most music magazines. It’s much more sophisticated and, the organization style at least, I would like to draw inspiration from for my own final magazine.Continue reading “-primary research; magazines-“

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